Royal Visit to Ground Effects
Regina - 22-May-2012

During Prince Charles's four-day visit to Canada there was only one private company he visited -- Ground Effects Environmental Services. Prince Charles is extremely interested in the environment and the technologies surrounding remediation. HRH was specifically interested in GEE’s wastewater treatment systems.
Prince Charles visits GEE

GEE was pleased to host His Royal Highness Prince Charles and demonstrate our world-class manufacturing facility during the prince’s royal visit during the Queen’s Jubilee. Prince Charles personally requested to visit GEE, the only private company he visited during his four-day trip to Canada. The prince has subsequently asked Sean Frisky, CEO, founder and President of GEE, to be part of one of HRH’s environmental councils.
Prince Charles greeted GEE staff and Frisky gave the prince a tour through the Electro Separation Cell (ESC) mobile system for treatment of frac flowback water. HRH was interested in GEE’s approach unique approach with electrokinetics.
For more information about the royal visit or about the ESC system, please contact us.